
Appetizers. Hors d’oeuvres. Finger foods.

Whatever term you use, these tasty tidbits do much more than just tide guests over until dinner. In fact, the word hors d’oeuvres means “outside the main meal” – they set the stage for the meal that is to follow. They’re versatile enough to awaken and enhance the appetite as a refreshing first course, yet with enough variety and quantity, they can also deliver total party sustenance all on their own. Serving a selection of these enticing bites is a sure-fire way to create a fun, festive atmosphere.

Everybody feels underappreciated from time to time.

We happen to believe that there are also a few ingredients that are overlooked and underrated yet deserve a big Thank You for bringing pop to the mundane, brightness to the ordinary, and a little foreground to the background of our gourmet meals.

Ever wonder what is the big deal about pairing wines with food?

The simple answer is that the flavors, aromas and textures of one complement and contrast with the other to bring out their (hopefully) best characteristics. Take an exceptional gourmet meal, add the right wine, and the flavors will launch you into the stratosphere of delight!

Our patrons tell us that they love it when we combine flavors they know well with others that they’re less familiar with. They have an undeniable curiosity and want to push the boundaries of their gastronomic experience to get the delightful, blissful surprise of mingling and merging new taste sensations.

Did you know there’s a difference between chef-owned catering services and catering services provided by, well, caterers?

There is!